Sunday 18 November 2018

Physical exercise, especially walking is very exhilarating for the body and mind. For the body the blood circulation increases, lungs work more efficiently and when breathing improves more oxygen will be inhaled and that improves the total metabolic activity of the body. Muscles become more pliable and movements become more easier. Apart from all these probably the most important factor is walking improves digestion.

People are familiar with the process of food consumption and digestion. But they are not much aware of another process of digestion that is digestion of knowledge. While walking we think and analyse what we have learned and such knowledge is slowly digested and assimilated into our mental faculty. This process will prompt rethinking of the same knowledge later and our discriminatory faculty of the mind undergoes a remarkable transformation towards better. Constant practice of such process leads to  knowledge that is acquired becoming wisdom and a man of wisdom is jnani in Sanskrit. That is the power of the exercise of walking.

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