Wednesday 28 November 2018

The Science Of All Sciences
In Bhagavadgita Sree Krishna tells Arjuna that “ of all types of knowledge I am the knowledge of the Self “ (Bg.10.32 ).”Vidya” means science , that is knowledge. The precise knowledge that can be verified and communicated is called science. Therefore Vidya, knowledge , science allmean the same thing. Knowledge or Vidya are of many types namely,rasayana vidya or chemistry, Bhutan Vidya or physics., etc. The science of spirituality is atmavidya . Among all the sciences this is the pre-eminent acience according to Vedanta — the science of the human being in depth, the science of human Possibilities., The Science of all sciences. The spiritual science or Adhyatma Vidya recognises a profound dimension in the chore of human being , the one who creates all physical sciences.. Natuarally the spiritual science is superior to physical science. The human being is unique and supreme. India developed this science years ago and it is elaborated in the Upanishads or Vedanta. It was discovered that behind the senses, behind the body and mind,is the infinit Atman —ever pure, ever free, infinit in dimension.

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