Tuesday 6 September 2022


We live today a hopelessly meaningless life of negativity, and that is why we have sorrow. The whole of our life is one of sorrow, grief. Why? Because there is nothing positive in us – no substantiality in us. We are empty of content because the only content which is meaningful is God. So in all spiritual sadhana, particularly in this context of self-control, we should remember that great verse of the Bhagavadgita towards the end of the third chapter where we are admonished to take the help of the most positive of meanings, the higher Self in us, which is God, and subdue the lower self in such a way that it gets transmuted completely; then raga or kama, desire for external things, gets converted into aspiration for the Universal, and the pleasures of the world vanish into the bliss of God realisation.

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