Friday 2 February 2018




According to Hindu sastras life is an endless cycle of birth – death – re-birth and so on, until one attains Moksha – a permanent state from which there is no return.

“Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
Punarapi janani- jathare sayanam”

(Again birth, again death, and again lying in mother’s womb. This process of birth and death is very hard to cross over. Save me O! Destroyer of the demon Mura through Thy Infinite Kindness.)

Bhaja Govindam – Sri Sankaracharya.

Although, philosophically and spiritually the process of this cycle, its purpose and consequences etc. have been endlessly explained, debated and realized by many, this phenomenon is still beyond the comprehension of modern science. Is it possible to analyse this concept biologically? Or can it be reconciled within the present-day understanding of life and life-processes exposed through modern scientific investigations?

Biologically an organism is the sum-total of its genetic make up. In other words, we are what our genes are. Our appearance, behavior, temperament, basic intelligence, physiology, anatomy, in fact, everything involving our structure and function are dependent on the function or non-function of around 30,000 genes that we possess. These genes are transmitted to the next generation – to our sons and daughters – at the time of reproduction. A set of genes from of the father is transferred to the progeny through his sperm and a set of maternal genes is transferred to the offspring through the ovum of the mother. The progeny, which develops from the combination of sperm and ovum at the time of fertilization, is the sum-total of the genetic make up of the father and the mother. Although the offspring has all the genes of the parents, since they are in a new combination, the children do not exactly resemble the parents. However, parents’ features are, no doubt, manifest in them, both in terms of appearances and behavior. Now, the question is, are we not represented in our children? The features of one generation is the reflection of the previous generation and will continue to be manifested through generations as the same genes, in new and new combinations, are transmitted endlessly generation after generation. If this is not re-birth what is it?

Another instance of biological rebirth is the transformation of a child, through adolescence and youth, to old age. When a child matures into a young man or woman, through the processes of growth and differentiation, the childhood and adolescent stages become past phenomena and when the youth gives way to old age, the experiences and memories of the earlier stage become things of the past. However, by the time the old age is set in the next generation has already become established.

The doctrine of Karma and rebirth are integral to the Indian philosophical systems of thought. The rebirth is considered as a consequence of Karma. We suffer for what we have done. We reap what we sow; every birth is an opportunity for man’s spiritual development as one short life is hardly sufficient for the purpose. This doctrine also assures us that whatever good we achieve in one’s lifetime is not lost forever, but is carried to our other lives. A close scrutiny of biological rebirth also reveals that this cardinal principle is ingrained in this system as well. What we enjoy or suffer in the present is a consequence of our actions in the past. A child brought up with good values, character and discipline, supported by proper education, is expected to do well, personally and professionally in youth, ensuring a trouble-free and smooth old age. Such an individual will be an asset to the family, society, and the nation. Our present life will, definitely, have an influence on our future. Our way of life, ambitions, values, character and integrity will definitely mould the same set of characteristics of the next generation.

In the biological world, every organism has to perpetually interact with its surroundings and also with the fellow organisms in order to survive and reproduce. In this process organisms have to make innumerable adjustments in its system and behaviour. These actions, interactions and adjustments make them more suitable to exist in a particular environment. Since environmental conditions are not static, organisms have to continuously strive for better and better organisation and behaviour. This endeavour continues through generations and the benefits accrued in every generation are carried over to other generations. The minute, imperceptible changes in the genetic system when accumulated and carried through generations, result in perceptible changes in the structure and function of organisms. This is what we call the evolution of new species, which is better equipped to survive in a particular environmental situation. Thus, every generation is an opportunity to improve on the previous one and a step towards attaining perfection. The story of human evolution, perhaps, is the best illustration of this principle. Simple organisms, smaller than an amoeba, through millions of years of genetic change, and through innumerable transformations, have evolved into human species, endowed with a rational brain and an intellect capable of unparalleled achievements. Our progress in science, technology, arts, culture, philosophy and spirituality is a consequence of the experiences of past generations, every generation adding and improving on the previous one. Man’s quest for perfection continues – a search for the ultimate achievement, may be Moksha!

Thus, it is possible to reconcile ancient wisdom with modern scientific principles, of course, with minor adjustments in the process of analytical thinking. There is an over-simplification of philosophy and science in the above discussion. This is mostly necessitated because of constraints of space and also because the intent is not an unequivocal exposition of a scientific theory. The intention is to generate a debate on the topic and as such, readers’ response is immensely valuable.

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